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Free Softphones for Macs

Softphone clients for Macintosh computer (MAC) users are available for free download.  These 2 VoIP soft clients are software applications that can be used with Macs.  (Unfortunately, our third MAC softphone, the Jacken IAX soft client which was about as small of a softphone as you will find, at 716KB, seems to have closed down its site and we have removed this softphone link.) You will find more information at each softphone's site where you can download each for free.  Whether you are looking to add a client to your Asterisk installation or to connect up to a BOYD service, these VoIP soft clients, which are for the Macintosh operating system, should help make the connection.

2 free softphones for Macintosh...

Cutecom's MAC OSX softphone uses SIP protocol. 

CuteCom Softphone     

CuteCom formally from Wengo, has a Mac OSX version, as well as a Windows version. This open source softphone is fully SIP compliant and supports STUN.

mac_logo     windows_logo

                                                                             ZoIPer Softphone  

Zoiper, a VoIP soft client has versions for Macs, Windows and Linux.ZoIPer, an IAX and SIP free soft client has versions for Macintosh, Windows and Linux.  With lots of features, including STUN support, as well as, T38 support for faxing, this client looks like it will fill the needs for many users.         

     mac_logo      windows_logo     linux_logo


Some VoIP soft client applications give you the ability to change the look and feel, to customize.   Depending on the softphone, you can connect with varying protocols, two of which, SIP and IAX, have gained in use over the last few years.  Then you can set the codecs that the client uses, from non-compressed to compressed codecs, depending on the client's features.  VoIP Mechanic has grouped other softphones for Linux and Windows together which will help you get one that is right.