Step by step, solving phone static
Locating the source of static or buzzing on your VoIP phones.
Solve VoIP static step by step.
Follow these step by step instructions for finding the source of static on your VoIP phone line.
Typically static or buzz on a phone line comes from a faulty device, a bad connection or an introduction of voltage. Finding it is a process of isolation and testing. Typical VoIP installations include distributing the VoIP connection throughout the premise. The VoIP lines should be their own island where outside introductory voltages should not be allowed to enter into that island.
Step 1 in locating the source of phone static.
Working inward VoIP systems start with an Internet connection device. This would be the cable modem or DSL modem in most residential or very small business locations.
- Limiting as much equipment as possible connect one corded phone directly to the ATA's VoIP line that has static. Make certain nothing else is connected. Make a test call.
Has Static:
- Replace phone and re-test. If no static: the previous phone is the problem.
Still static:
- Check the ATA's DC power supply. Make sure the power supply is the correct one for the ATA. If it is not then replace it. If it is then most likely the ATA is bad. If you have two phone lines on the ATA and one is good and the other has static, then it is the ATA. If the other phone line is not active, you could have your VoIP provider make line 2 as the only active line and check if that line is OK.
Replace ATA.
No Static:
- Proceed to step 2.
Step 2 in locating the source of phone static.
Having made a call on the VoIP line that has static and found that
it was good, it has been determined that the source of the static is
most likely residing inside the premise. The following steps
(instructions) should be taken next to find the source of phone
- Make sure the previous bell phone provider's service is not connected at the premise demarc, as voltage could be introduced into your phone wiring. Disconnect the phone line connections coming from the street.
- Disconnect all phones (cordless and corded), alarms, tivos and any other devices that might be connected to the phone line circuit. It's best to do this at the wall jack, as there could be splitters in between the phone and wall.
- Make a test call by connecting the good test phone into one of the premise's wall jacks.
If there is static, try another wall jack. If that has static as well, there could be an introduction of voltage on the phone premise circuit.
If no static:
- Proceed to step 3.
Step 3 in locating the source of phone static.
The next phase of testing to find the source of static is step by step procedure that will go quickly.
- Starting with corded phones, plug one phone at a time into a wall jack making a test call after each connection. *If the problem location is found (static or buzz on a call) take the extra step of placing another phone with another phone cord at that same location and retesting. Remove any splitters. In doing these final steps you will isolate the problem to the exact device, whether it be the jack, splitter, phone line or phone.
- Connect any cordless phones, one by one, making a test call after each one. If the static call happens, proceed with the same *additional steps.
- Reconnect the additional devices one by one and test after each one until the problem device is found. If the static was constant it should be easily recognized.